Most frequently required information on Pluto
Pluto Diameter: 2390 km, 0.2 Earth Diameters
Planetary Mass: 1.25x1022 kg, 0.0025 Earth masses
Average Distance from Sun: 5.913 billion km, 39.53 AU (astronomical units)
Length of Day: about 6.4 Earth Days
Length of Year: 248.53 Earth Years
Day/Night Surface Temperature: 54-59 degrees Kelvin
Number of natural satellites: 1 - Charon
Planetary ring system: No
Average temperature: ~50 K (-223 C)
Atmospheric composition: Methane (CH4), Nitrogen (N2)
AU stands for astronomical unit.
One AU is the average distance from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun: 149,597,870 km